A Modest Proposal:
How to Keep Our Roads Free From Drivers Under the Influence 365 Days a Year
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A Modest Proposal
Copyright © December 26, 2014 Douglas W Jerving.
All Rights Reserved.
Triple A (AAA) has provided, for several years now, a free taxi service
to intoxicated drivers so they get home safe from the party on New Years
Eve and Saint Patrick’s Day. (They call it Tipsy Tow; Google it before
going out this New Years Eve.) This is a wonderful pro bono work that
they provide. It is nationwide, (Snopes.com disputes the nationwide claim),
and it is available to anyone, even if you are not a paid user of their
What if we could do something like that 365 days a year, either on a local
level, or even state or nation-wide, with funding from non-profit charitable
organizations? I for one would contribute to such a charitable group, and
I’m sure a lot of other folks would too.
I realize there are a lot of logistical and governmental hoops to jump
through in order to make this work, but here are the bare bones of my
No questions asked, just a free ride paid for by a non-profit organization
that is set up to fund this need. Call for the ride. The non-profit
automatically connects you to a local taxi service that is contracted to
work with them. The taxi company is automatically reimbursed up to a
certain amount based on average drive times.
Establishments that provide alcoholic beverages would be encouraged to
participate in such a program. It could even become part of local
ordinance that in order to obtain their liquor license, they must
participate. Any reasonable cost to the proprietor would be reimbursed
as a part of the program, thus avoiding an added tax burden to the public.
The taxi service likely would make a second fare the next day. They could
contract with the passenger to assist in retrieving their car. They are
paid by the non-profit for their original services and then the next day
they are hired for the return trip by the owner of the automobile he left
behind the night before. That would be a win-win situation for everyone
Doug Jerving is the publisher of the NewEdisonGazette.com. You may contact him at

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